

"Mente sã em corpo são."

§ Translation in English: "A healthy mind in a healthy body"

§ Translation in Lithuanian: „Sveikame kūne – sveika siela“

§ Meaning: if you want to be healthy spiritually, firstly you must care about your body and keep it healthy. Also it could mean, that if you want live harmonious live you must be healthy both physically and spiritually.

"Na adversidade é que se prova a amizade."

§ Translation in English: "Friendship is proven in adversity"

§ Translation in Lithuanian: „Tikra draugą pažinsi nelaimėje“

§ Meaning: only true and trustworthy friends who care about you honestly will help you when you are in adversity. Those who are with you for selfish reasons will commonly abandon you.

"Ovelha que berra, bocado que perde."

§ Translation in English: "A silent man accomplishes more than an incessant talker"

§ Translation in Lithuanian: „Tyli kiaulė gilią šaknį knisa“

§ Meaning: it means that a person who talk less about his plans and methods of accomplishing something normally will reach higher results than one who only boasts and talks instead of doing his work.

In conclusion I want to say, that I was really surprised that Latin, English, Portuguese and Lithuanian languages have so much in common when talking about proverbs. So now I wonder which nation was the first to create those proverbs and which nations simply copied them.

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