
PORTUGUESE PROVERBS – Milda Leonavičiūtė

Portuguese proverb ‘de grão em grão a galinha enche o papo’ in English would be as ‘grain by grain the hen’s stomach is full’ or ‘little strokes fell great oaks, many a pickle makes a mickle’. It suggests that it is easier to tackle a big job in small stages than trying to take on the whole at once. It is also about persistence - the realization that one must continue at a task until it is completed, no matter how long it takes and how much effort it requires. In Lithuanian we say ‘lašas po lašo ir akmenį pratašo’.

Proverb ‘são todos farinha no mesmo saco’ in English would sound as ‘birds of a feather flock together’. It means that people of the same sort of character or belief always go together. In Lithuania we say ‘atitiko kirvis kotą‘ or ‚toks tokį pažino ir ant alaus pavadino‘.

Proverb ‘quem não arrisca, não petisca’ in English also has equivalent saying which sounds as ‘nothing ventured, nothing gained’ or ‘who doesn't take a chance won't nibble’. It suggests that if you don't try, or take the risk, you can't have any profit. In Lithuanian we say a bit differently – ‘kas nerizikuoja, tas negeria šampano’.

In summary, Portuguese language is rich of different kinds of proverbs. It was great to notice that it is quite a tendency that in mentality of three here mentioned nations exist the same sayings. I believe it is important that Latin based proverbs and saying influenced not only Portugal but also Lithuania.

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