

1. Cão que ladra não morde.

Dog that barks doesn't bite.

This proverb means that usually something that looks very threatening and is being used as a way to scare others is actually not worth fear, as it is like a dog, just barks, but doesn’t bite.

In Lithuania there is a similar proverb that actually has the same meaning and shows that a cary look doesn’t always mean bad things are to happen.

Iš didelio debesio mažas lietus.

huge cloud just a bit of rain.

2. Dá Deus nozes a quem não tem dentes...
God gives nuts to those who don't have teeth...

This proverb means that it is more important to show how or to try to get what you want rather than just get a ready to use products - as these things won‘t actually help in a future. In conclusion it means that the most important things are the things you can do yourself.

In Lithuania the same proverb sounds:
„Duok žmogui žuvį ir jis bus sotus dieną, duok meškerę ir jis bus sotus visą gyvenimą“

This could be translated in English „Give person a fish and he will be full the whole day, but give him a rod and he will be full the whole life.”

3. Faça como eu digo e não como eu faço.
A man is judged by the company he keeps.

This Portuguese proverb says that usually by looking in your friends you could tell what kind of a person you are. So actually friends, the company you keep is like a mirror of your personality. Another important thing – choose friends carefully as one day you may become alike.

Lithuanian proverb states – Your friends are something that you might turn into one day.
Su kokiu sutapsi, tokiu ir pats patapsi.

All things considered, it is obvious that proverbs make the language richer and with more colours. And As I have compared Lithuanian ir Portuguese proverbs there is quite a tendency that languages have very similar meaning proverbs.

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