
Mário Cesariny de Vasconcelos

"<...>I won’t say as someone else did that I know
I know nothing

I know that I’ve always known a few things
and that this counts for some
thing and that I hurl whirlwinds and see the rainbow
believing it to be the supreme agent
of the world’s heart
vessel of freedom purged of menstruation
living rose before our eyes

The future city where “poetry will no longer give rhythm

to action since it will march ahead of it”
is still far far away
Will there be an end to the preachers of death? An end to the reapers of love?
An end to the torture of eyes?<..>" (Voice from a stone)

Mário Cesariny de Vasconcelos a universal Portuguese artist - painter, writer, playwright. Not a professional, just a lover, but equal to become one of the famous Portuguese poets of the second half of the 20th century. Born in Lisboa, 1923 Mario Cesariny studied Fine Arts and music with the composer Fernando Lopes Graca. While being a student Cesariny became a member of a group called Herminius consisted of artists who were against Neo-Realism and its hostility among nonconforming artists. In 1947 Cesariny met Andre Breton , the principal founder of surrealism in France. The Herminius group was then joined by several other groups and started to disseminate the ideas of surrealism in Portugal. Surrealism was a real passion of Cesariny, his lifestyle, a mean to protest against autocratic political regime of Salazar.
Cesariny brought love and the right to express love freely as the most important issue and kept love as a synonym to freedom. Around 1980s Cesariny stopped writing poetry and only painted. The artist left this world in 2006...

Mário Cesariny de Vasconcelos - universalus portugalų menininkas: dailininkas, poetas, dramaturgas. Mėgėjas, niekada nesistengęs dirbtinai tapti profesionalu, dabar vadinamas vienu žinomiausiu XX amžiaus antros pusės poetų. 1923 metai gimęs Lisabonoje, Cesariny studijavo dailę ir muziką su kompozitoriumi Fernando Lopes Graca. Dar studijuodamas Mario Cesariny tapo menininkų grupės Herminius, kuri buvo prieš tuometinį neo-realizmą ir jo atstovus kaltino priešiškumu išsiskiriančių menininkų atžvilgiu, nariu.
1947 metais Cesariny Paryžiuje sutiko surrealizmo pradininku laikomą Andre Bret
on. Prie Herminius grupės tuo metu prisijungė dar keli judėjimai ir ji tapo Portugalijos surrealizmo idėjų platintoja ir pradininke. Surrealizmas buvo tikroji Cesariny aistra, jo gyvenimo būdas ir priemonė protestuoti prieš autokratinį Salazar'o režimą. Menininkas laisvę nevaržomai mylėti laikė vienu svarbiausiu prioritetu ir prilygino meilę tikrosios laisvės sąvokai. Apie 1980-uosius Cesariny nustojo rašyti ir atsidėjo piešimui. Mirė menininkas 2006...

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